External domain-specific languages

In this part, we:
– introduce a running example of DSL (“Entities Language”)
– give a one-slide crash course on compilers
and we discuss:
– semantic models
– abstract syntax trees
– parser generators

List of sources for images in slides
– https://cliparts.zone/flowchart-cliparts
– https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree#/media/File:Abstract_syntax_tree_for_Euclidean_algorithm.svg


  • M. Fowler’s book Domain-specific languages on grammars and parsing:
    • Section 3.2: The Workings of a Parser
    • Section 3.3: Grammars, Syntax, and Semantics
  • Slides on semantic models are based on M. Fowler’s book Domain-specific languages:
    • Section 1.4: Languages and Semantic Model
    • Chapter 11: Semantic Model

Additional materials